Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thank God for parents

It has been a loooong day here at Kosair Children's Hospital and my Whitaker is blessed to have had four grandparents here the WHOLE time! Here at the crack of dawn with us, they have brought coffee, offered moments for laughter, been good listeners, worked sudoku puzzles, and shared their electronic toys all day. I cannot express in words how much this means to John and me and I am sure, one day, to Whitaker.

Even though we know there is a recovery road ahead, it makes it better to know that there are reinforcements supporting us as parents and ready to step in with a hand, or a sandwich anytime.

So, if you see Agnes or Gene Lyons, or Bonnie or Steve Johnson, you can say, "Hey, I heard you spent a day in the hospital!" and they might share their point of view. Any of us would have rather been the patient, but hanging out together made the day more bearable.


  1. Amen Sister, you are extremely blessed!! As are they for having a daughter/daughter in law like you who has the insight to be thankful and respectful of it all :) Love you girl--Sonia C.

  2. So grateful that you have them with you. I know from what you have written that wild horses could not have kept them away. In times of crisis, we are even more thankful for our dear family.
