Wednesday, June 16, 2010

another day, another bag of fluid

Whitaker is having a little bit of a rough day. The nurses are assuring us that he looks "good" and is doing "great" even though it may not seem great to us. He cannot sit up without puking, which he hates. The bed has been adjusted to where he is sitting almost all the way up and his incision is not leaking too much, but it is still kind of nasty. All of this is to be expected after such a surgery, but it is still hard to see him laying there and know he doesn't feel well. We have asked for a different medicine for nausea next time since that other one (Zofran??) doesn't seem to be working. Some one sent a gift and when they brought it in they asked he wanted it now or later and he said later. He is still in the ICU and we are hoping to move to a regular room later today.

Next to us they have moved in a baby who was born with half a heart. They are a young couple and they have been here for 27 days. She is so cute and if you want to pray for little "L" while you're praying for Whitaker to quit puking that would be great.

I am going to need so many spa treatments when this is all over. Luckily John is great with Whitaker, all the time, but especially when he doesn't feel well. Therefore, I am forbidding John to leave - at least today. If you don't get your lawn mowed, please understand.

He is sleeping now - says his pain is between a three and a five on a scale of 1-10, but he is not about to move unless forced to do so. The catheter is out (I'm sure he will love that I shared that) and his vitals are all stable and strong. We stroked him a little and told him that he will not feel like this for long - even though he feels bad right now. I think he wants to believe that.

I really, really appreciate how kind and supportive everyone has been and I would ask that you please keep the prayers coming. We know that all the love, prayers, and positive thoughts helped the surgery go well, so now we just ask the same for the recovery!! We are hoping things take a turn for the better very soon! This is a great hospital and everyone here is very knowledgeable and helpful. I know with each passing moment that we are closer to being out of here, so I am just trying to hang in there, one moment at a time.

More later.....lyons, out!

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