Thursday, June 17, 2010

better, better, better

Successes: lots of pee and no more pee problems. (Yippee!) Baby L got good news this morning and some more good news this evening, so prayers are working for her too!!!

Started off the day kind of rough - was awake from about three to six andhe couldn't get comfortable. We moved the pillows, the bed, and his head, but he just kind of grunted at us a couple of times. This morning he got really sick when the neurosurgeon's nurses were in there and asking him about trying to eat something. Just the thought of eating something solid mad him puke all over the place. Then they worked out some more zofran and less morphine to see if that combination would help. So far, so good. He has had two doses of liquid baclivan (sp??) by mouth, and one colace pill, some blue slushy and now some chicken noodle soup and all of that has stayed where it was put! Another huge success.

Still in a small cubicle in the ICU and not too hopeful that we are getting out of there. Got the bandage off this morning and did great - he didn't even whimper. The incision is awesome-looking - no infections, swelling, or drainage. He got in the chair two times and sat up for a while, once for an hour and once for about a half an hour. He had a pretty good nap and he hopefully will have a good night.

Thanks for all your continued thoughts and prayers.

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