Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 2 - up and at 'em

After going to bed at 10 last night, I woke up this morning at 3:30. The thought of running and the thought of going to school are NOT making me want to stab my eyeballs out with a knitting needle. In my crazy world, that spells P R O G R E S S!

I definitely believe that Tebow making gross sounds and the 8-year-old in my bed may have contributed to my alertness at this hour (4:06 am). However, I am only slightly in need of some caffienated beverage, so I totally see that as progress, as well. I am going to take the dog out around 5:00 this morning and I am going to try to create a 3-mile trek for us. That way I can go the same distance everyday and work up my running portions.

Other issues (prayers) right now: I'm searching for a different car, a different job and a plane ticket to visit my far-away friend. oh, and I hate my hair. However, since a friend of mine just learned her husband has a malignant brain tumor, I am thinking my life is pretty darn good right now. Another friend who is younger than me has MS and has to use a walker. That makes me realize that taking the dog for a walk a blessing for which to be thankful, not a burden about which to complain.

Blessings today: a new baby is about to come into our family (AWESOME!), my boys are loving school right now, my boys are beautiful and healthy, my boys are sweet young men. What more could anyone want? Oh, yeah, to be 20 lbs. thinner, I almost forgot.

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