Tuesday, January 19, 2010

More clear MRI scans

Yesterday we got the news that my MRI also was clear of any Chiari Malformation. We have forwarded both mine and Tretter's images to a neurosurgeon in Louisville just to have another opinion and have a specialist concur. Should there be no Chiari connection in the family, then we are both relieved and left with the question as to where Whitaker got this, but that fact is really irrelevant now.

I did call the pediatric neurosureon's office in Louisville today to see if he could possibly fit us in sooner. Whitaker is doing okay, but he is a little anxious and, understandably, would like to get it over with as soon as possible. I explained to the scheduling nurse that his consult was on his birthday and she said she could change it to later. I told her no, we want the first available appointment and she said she would check the computer and try to see if he had a cancellation for today or tomorrow. Someone is supposed to call me back on my cell phone if they can, but their computers were not working properly (of course). I really pray that they can fit us in sooner because I don't want him to have to worry with all the questions we have for two more weeks.

Apparently, they only see patients on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and next week they are all going to be gone. Doctors often schedule conferences in tropical or semi-tropical climates during the last, depressing weeks of January. Can't say that I blame them. It might even encourage a certain little guy with an oversized brain to become a surgeon. :-)

Thanks everyone for all your prayers and concern. We really appreciate everything!!

I'll keep posting if anything seems important. Right now, I personally cannot imagine letting either one of the boys get back in a football uniform. I hope that decision is not left up to us as parents. Please pray that whatever sureon we end up going with will strongly discourage or not allow it. I know basketball can be rough, and baseball is risky in its own way, but, come on. Do we need to be puttting little guys in big helmets and smashing them into each other? I love to watch football, (go Gators!) don't get me wrong. I'm not hatin', I'm just sayin'.

Golf - I'm voting golf. Think I feel a golf trip in our future!

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