Sunday, January 17, 2010

honestly, I am boring myself

Okay, I am going to speed it up a little because I am ready to be done for tonight, but I know that tomorrow will prompt more need share so I am trying to catch up.

Saturday: Boys had a basketball game in the morning and they both played great. Whitaker fell down about ten times and Tretter almost cried everytime he did anything wrong, but overall they did fine. I, on the other hand, was a complete wreck the whole time and I was really scared the entire game. Whitaker had a friend spend the night and Tretter spent the night with a friend.

Sunday: They were both a little grouchy but we went to church and John's parents came down to take Whitaker to the Free Throw Contest at the high school so we could go meet with Dr. M. He was going to read us the report on Tretter's MRI and interpret the report from Kosair on Whitaker's MRI. Whitaker was too young to be in the contest and Dr. M. was soooo busy and the results weren't back yet. We made an appointment for 2:00 p.m. Bummer because I am so tired of waiting.

We don't know anything else. I was so nervous in church about meeting with the doc that I had to leave twice to use the restroom. I think I am over that though, too tired to be nervous and too faith-filled to worry. We think we know the diagnosis.

We still do not know to what extent this is a genetic disease. Another blessing that John actually pointed out to me is that my brother's children and my sister's child (the three absolute cutest kids on the planet) are all adopted. Maybe there is reason in everything.

lyons out

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