Friday, July 23, 2010

it's hotter than blue blazes in here....

My mom used to say that when I was younger and she was hot. It's my go-to simile for days like today.

It has been almost six weeks since Whitaker's surgery and he is doing super. He has no more headaches (yay!), he has more energy than he did before, but he still can't really do anything.  He cannot get hot, and it is about 101 in the shade right now. He can't ride a bike, run, jump, lift anything, exert himself, etc. Up until this week he has been fairly cooperative with all of that, perhaps because he tired quickly, and his energy levels were still rebuilding. Now he is starting to get a little frustrated. We are so thankful that he feels well, but still not allowing him to go to the baseball tournament tomorrow with a heat advisory. He is 10, and 10-year-old little boys just like to move around a lot! We see the doctor next week to find out what our parameters are for back-to-school and going forward. We remain thankful as ever that he has done so well.

Speaking of school, I am starting to freak out a little bit. Or a lot. There are some things up in the air right now, and I am feeling overwhelmed and unprepared for the year to begin. I am telling myself that since I was able to complete my High/Scope preschool training and earn an "A" in my killer online technology class, all while experiencing the surgery and recovery of my child, I probably can pretty much do anything. I am woman.

The best thing that has happened this summer is that I have actually started RUNNING!!! Of course, about a year ago, I started a blog about "running," but didn't really get the running thing to take off. Since last summer I have registered for and skipped two 5K races, purchased running shoes, Under Armor pants, two pairs of Nike Tempo running shorts, and a subscription to Runner's World magazine, but all that was just getting me prepared to become a rock star runner. (Truthfully, I was stressed-out, over-committed, and lazy; now God has blessed me with some great friends and just enough motivation to put my shoes on and get out the door.)

I am dedicated to doing at least three miles five times a week. I can't run it all yet, but I am getting better. I got my new iPhone 4 (awesome) and a Nike plus sensor for my shoe, so everything is calibrated for me. Everything means calories, distance, time, average pace, etc. I LOVE my friends who go with me. Even if we are not sharing enthusiasm or energy levels, we still encourage each other and we always have fun, and honestly, I would not be doing if it weren't for them. It is much-needed girl time.

Today's weight: 124.5, but that isn't really my focus. I want to eat right and be healthy. I am not saying I don't want that number to go down, but after spending six days in a children's hospital this summer, I realize how trivial that number is. I like to and need to think happy thoughts, and think about all my countless blessings, which would take forever.

So, no races in my near future, just gonna keep on trying at least five nights a week. and praying about school. and staying in the air conditioning!

I think that's it for now - stay cool, cyber-friends!!

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