Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Kathy and Kelly make me laugh

Okay, when I was pregnant for two years and 17 months, I LOVED the Rosie O'Donnell show. That was before she went all 9-11-conspiracy-theory-psycho Rosie, and she was still funny-new mom-loves her kids-does-nice-things-for-people Rosie. I credit her with getting me through two first trimesters when I seriously didn't think I could deal one more day with my self-absorbed, anxiety-ridden, occupationally-unstable self. Thankfully that is all in the past, now. (ha ha!)

Then I continued my obsession with Kelly Ripa, which still goes on today. She makes me laugh and makes me want to do sit-ups and run five miles a day so my legs could look like hers. And I just love her....as we all know. 

So, Kathy Griffin is pretty much the funniest thing since Kelly. I first fell in love with her when she was on the show called THE  CELEBRITY MOLE with Anderson Cooper, before anyone knew who AC was. or that he is gay.

Anyway, I know sometimes Kathy gets a little raunchy (how do you spell that, anyway?) and I could do without hearing GD every 5 seconds, but she is so smart and witty and brilliant. Did I mention she WON that Mole show? She flat-out cracks me up. I don't know what I am going to do about missing all my Bravo when I go back to school. Maybe need to just set DVR to EVERY show on Bravo and HGTV. Here's my rundown:

Rachel Zoe - scary skinny, but still intriguing and I love watching her show. Hope she doesn't plan on having a kid, because it's not going to happen. Wait, Nicole Richie had two babies, so maybe there is hope for Venti Starbucks with three Splendas in her over-sized rings and vintage clothes.

Project Runway - Yeah, I know it moved to Lifetime, but it started on Bravo, so I still give Bravo props. It is super-fun, creative and I totally admire the talent. Can't stop watching!! Love it when they freak out and cry. Love me some Tim Gunn.

Houswives - OMG where do I start. Okay - OC housewives just make me sick and they are ridiculous. I used to watch it like a train wreck that I couldn't stop looking at, but then I gave that up. NJ - I like until it gets all ghetto-call-the-police-filing-protective orders-crazy, and then I don't like that so much.
NYC - MY ABSOLUTE FAVE - maybe because I love NYC, maybe because I love all of the shots of Manhattan, but I totally think those women are deliciously despicable. and you can quote me on that!
Atlanta - I tried to watch one season, but having been an Atlanta housewife myself once, I actually KNOW, rather than just suspect, how unrealistic it is......so I had to give it up. Go to Buckhead, Bravo. Check out Dunwoody, Alpharetta, and Roswell, then come talk to me with your show. DC remains to be seen....I do have to do that working thing in a few weeks, so TV may be off for a while (gasp!) (sob!)

Top Chef - stupid because the viewers cannot TASTE the food, we just have to take the judges' words for it. I can make my own opinion about PR, but I can't tell you if I like the nasty crap they make on that show or not.

Also - I love me some ACE of CAKES and I don't like Cake Boss because he's mean and he yells. I love any Challenge show on the Food Network which has anything to do with sugar, cake, chocolate, or anything that you can actually see. If it is lobster stew, save it for the judges and I will switch to ANTM. Cupcake Wars is AWESOME, as is Selling New York (HGTV), other HGTV staples Color Splash with David Bromstad, and Bang for Your Buck, and, of course, the Discovery Channel fave, Cash Cab - all versions: day, night, double-dare, whatever. Give me Ben Bailey straight up any day.

Yesterday while recovering from some horrible stomach virus, I watched a marathon of You're Cut Off!  More despicable people. Not quite as disturbing as the Toddlers and Tiaras show, but definitely not a fine example of people treating others nicely. until the end. the VERY end, which was too little too late for me.

Of course, no television list would be complete without the boys' summer hit: WIPEOUT! They want me to be on it. Last year I actually filled out the online application, but this year I am not doing that because it looks mega-hard. and painful. And since I started running, I am experiencing plenty of self-inflicted pain.

Today's weight is 122, probably due to above-mentioned stomach virus, but I'll take it. Peace out, peeps!

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