Friday, March 5, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday: So much fun

Thanks to my cyber-friends at for the Fill in the Blank Fridays; here are last week's and this week's answers, since I am little behind.

By the way, I am behind on my blogging because I have been obsessively reading these two blogs: and

Okay Fill in the Blanks:
1.One thing I MUST do before I die is live in Manhattan, but I will have to be an old woman because my husband will never move there, and I am not looking to lose him any time soon.
2. I would rather be well-liked than accomplished; would rather feel like I fit in than feel like I am successful.
3. If I could give my younger self one piece of advice it would be you are good enough, you are smart enough, and doggone-it, people like you!
4. If I won the lottery tomorrow, I'd do so many cool things, starting with splitting it 50/50 with hubby right off the bat, so we would never fight over what to spend it on. Then I would donate to a lot of charities that I like and maybe even create one myself. Then I would quit my job and get a Ph.D. just because I could finally afford it.
5. The best surprise ever was a trip to Europe for my 3rd real birthday when I turned 12 years old.
6. My biggest fault is eating too much and biting my cuticles. Seriously, I have to stop. Both of them.

7. My biggest strength is being resilient and bouncing back, over and over and over. God never gives up on me, so I can't either.

1. When I'm nervous I laugh even when it is inappropriate. It's awful and I am working on it.
2. My favorite item in my closet is an orange pair of Victoria's Secret sweatpants that say "PINK" across the butt and "GATORS" down the leg. They aren't very flattering, but they are oh, so comfy!
3. Watching trashy reality TV is only fun if it gives off a positive vibe, like Project Runway and Ace of Cakes. Then I can't get enough. I say, "No, thank you," to crap like the Kardashians, Houswives, and anyone who finds it entertaining to curse repeatedly and argue.
4. My favorite childhood memory is decorating the Christmas tree with Christmas music playing.
5. Something you may not know about me is I love to write (on my computer, of course!).
6. A true friend does not judge you, but understands you, doesn't have to agree with you, but will never talk bad about you.
7. Something I hope people think of when they think of me is that I may not be very nice before I have coffee, but I am at least tolerable after I have coffee.

1 comment:

  1. glad to see you're wasting your time reading SR :)
    thanks for the shoutout.
